Pioneering the Future of Home & Hearth

Householder feminists drive meaningful change in the domestic sphere.

Women have achieved unprecedented levels of education, wealth, and freedom over the last 100 years. So why aren’t we happier? Why are our kids experiencing alarming rates of illness, obesity and depression? And why are our men also struggling? 

We think there is a clear link between these modern ills and our relentless pursuit of progress, which may have caused us to lose sight of the pivotal role home and hearth play in our lives, and in a healthy society. 

Now is the time to re-value, re-think, and re-source home and hearth.

About The Hearth Forum

As Householder Feminists, we are committed to finding realistic, deployable solutions that realign the domestic sphere with human flourishing. Solutions that increase the economic and social status of mothers and householders, and also ensure our survival as a species.

The Hearth Forum is where we gather to do just that. This is where we let go of old stories and develop new narratives that serve our human family. Where we learn from each other and upgrade our thinking. Where we collectively explore and innovate new ideas that will help drive meaningful change in the domestic sphere.

Our digital hearth is also home to a growing library of resources, including the Hearth Matters digital chapbook series that explores our ideas on how to rethink, re-value and resource home and hearth. You’ll also find our homegrown how-to guides, live events, the Hearth Matters podcasts, and more. 

Join Us

Does our vision spark you? Please consider joining in the discussion. Time is short and the stakes are high. The world needs your voice more than ever.